We’re back; kitchen almost done

We got back from the FGC gathering the second week in July expecting the kitchen to be done, but were disappointed to find that everything looked almost the same as before — the cabinets were in, no floor or appliances installed. The handles and knobs were now installed — they’d been working on that when we left.

After a week, we left for Münster, Germany for a two week workshop followed by a three day meeting for Jensen’s 80th birthday.

We got back last weekend. The floor tiles have been laid, the new granite countertop is in…

Here’s what I’ve tested so far: The exhaust fan runs, and its light works; the stove lights, and the stove’s clock is settable.

Of course the refrigerator still works (we kept our old one, and have been using it all along) but now it’s got cabinets around and over it. Also it’s been moved to where it sits square to the wall and the doors can open all the way. Neither of these were true before.

The sink works. I’ve snuck in and rinsed out the coffee filter using the spray hose, instead of rinsing it in the bathroom or garage. The disposal works as well; at least to the extend of dealing with the coffee grains that didn’t get knocked into the compost bucket.

So why is it still so bare? Jean won’t permit anything to be used until the floor gets sealed, which is supposed to happen (or at least start) tomorrow. After that Jean says it’s supposed to get three waxings, but I think we’ll have to do that. The painter has been in and stain the replaced trim, and we’ve talked to the cabinet guy about some minor issues.

The dumpster is supposed to be taken out of our driveway sometime today (or maybe tomorrow).

Trash bin to be removed today.

The main thing left is lighting for the counters and sink. Jean has picked something to go over the sink, where we had a fixture before. Here is the blank space…

Where Jean wants a light.

Once this has been installed, the area still needs paint. I’m thinking of putting in low voltage led lighting under the cabinets.

Kitchen progress

We’ve had all the rough-in inspections done: plumbing, gas, electricity, and framing for the new soffit. We’re missing a couple of outlets that we’d asked for, but I’m expecting that that will be coming.

The electricity, gas and plumbing has all been rouged in and inspected.

Today we’re they’re installing the new cabinets!
Moving cabinets in

The lazy susan going into the corner. This will make make the corner usable without contortions.A corner cabinet, with lazy susan.
It’s been some months since we had a working oven! It’s going here, where the pantry used to be.The stove will replace the old pantry.
Actually, we did have a sink before. This will have only one basin, giving us a bit more counter space. It won’t have cracks in the porcelain (and it never will, since it won’t be porcelain). And it’ll have a pull out spray head so I can spray water all over everywhere!Where the sink will go.

For April Newsletter

3 Carolina Crowfoot (Geranium carolinianum) A small native Geranium plant.   This was near the new small Longleaf Pine, which is still in the grass stage.

2 Carolina Crowfoot (Geranium carolinianum) A small native Geranium plant. This was near the new small Longleaf Pine, which is still in the grass stage.

Red Buckeye flower buds

Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) flower buds on the West side of the front retention pond, near the driveway. These should be open by the time this comes out.

new leaves on Persimmon  tree (Diospyros virginiana)

new leaves on Persimmon tree (Diospyros virginiana).
This tree, which is just South of the Buckeye, was planted two years ago.

Dewberry (Rubus trivialis)

Dewberry (Rubus trivialis)

Elephant's foot (Elephantus sp.) seed heads, from a plant at the South end of the Front basin.

Elephant’s foot (Elephantus sp.) seed heads, from a plant at the South end of the Front basin.

Saint Patrick's Day dinner

Saint Patrick’s Day dinner

Red Buckeye flower buds

Red Buckeye (Aesculus pavia) flower buds on the West side of the front retention pond, near the driveway. These should be open by the time this comes out.

Longleaf pine

Red Anisetree (Illicium floridanum) At the south end of the retention pond.

Red Anisetree (Illicium floridanum) At the south end of the front retention basin.

Meeting Birthday cake

Meeting Birthday cake

Meeting for Worship in nature

Meeting for Worship in nature

Lyre Leaf Sage (Sativa lyrata) in the opening at the end of the driveway.

Lyre Leaf Sage (Sativa lyrata) in the opening at the end of the driveway.

Saint Patrick's Day dinner

Saint Patrick’s Day dinner

Mona telling Irish stories at the Saint Patrick's Day dinner

Mona telling Irish stories at the Saint Patrick’s Day dinner

For February Newsletter

For december newsletter

Ramsey theory meeting group photograph

2014 Ransey Theory Meeting at the University of Denver

Meeting Photograph


Stevo Todorcevic
Alexander Kechris
Nadav Meir
Antonio Aviles
Slawomir Solecki
Riquelmi Cardona
Alex Kruckman
Lionel Nguyen Van Thé
Ari Brodsky
Claribeth Piña
Jose Mijares Palacios
Anush Tserunyan
Diana Ojeda-Aristizabal
Timothy Trujillo
Carlos Di Prisco
Michael Hrusak
Andreas Blass
Brice Mbombo
Dana Bartosova
Clinton Conley
Mauro de Nasso
Claude Laflamme
Ryan Causey
Natasha Dobrinen
Dona Strauss
Yann Pequignot
Jean Larson
Gabriel Girón-Garnica
Gregory McKay
Bill Mitchell